Posts Tagged ‘FAIL’

NBC vs Team Canada, Who Had The Bigger Letdown?

NBC should be ashamed of themselves for putting USA vs Canada on the poorest channel in their lineup, MSNBC.  I use the word ‘poorest’ because as a DirecTV owner, I couldn’t view this great matchup in HD.  Instead I was forced to watch it in standard definition and it looked like I was playing ‘Blades […]


VH1 Classic “Metal Mania” FAIL.

Dear VH1 Classic, Please, please, please….don’t EVER play TRIXTER during your programming labeled “Metal Mania”.  Never ever EVER do this again, especially when you play true metal like Pantera next. Metal bands don’t wear flannel shirts with nothing underneath.  If they truly did wear flannel, they most likely would be loggers with hairy chests, not […]
