July 16th Tornado West of Carrington, North Dakota

Here are a few photos from my chase last Saturday out near Carrington, ND.  These pictures are of the first supercell and the tornado it dropped.  I’ll post images of the second supercell later.


The first funnel to appear. Not sure if the circulation had reached the surface.


Zoomed in version of above.


The circulation above had weakened and a few minutes later dropped the tornado

Was worth the drive.


Some debris shows up at the base


One of my favorite pictures yet.

Here’s a link to the video I shot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NdFEGreUEY


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One Response to “July 16th Tornado West of Carrington, North Dakota”

  1. [...] picture was taken near Carrington, North Dakota on July 16th, 2011 (chase photos here).  A tornado had previously touched down with this supercell and it was cycling for another [...]

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